Why consider a performance enhancing sportsguard?

This isn’t your typical mouth guard. Athletes across various sports, whether contact or non-contact, have realized the advantages of utilizing a performance-enhancing sportsguard tailored specifically for those seeking optimal performance.

Functioning by aligning your neck, shoulders, and spine to harmonize your body and alleviate tension from major muscle groups, this guard enables you to operate at your peak. Correct jaw alignment has been scientifically shown to boost power, balance, range of motion, flexibility, endurance, and oxygen flow. With a performance-enhancing sportsguard, you can enhance your performance while safeguarding your teeth simultaneously.

Crafting Your Sportsguard

Designing a performance-enhancing sportsguard is a meticulous and technical procedure. It’s finely crafted for precise jaw alignment tailored to you.

In the design process, our dentists utilize a tensing machine to relax your jaw muscles, followed by computer software to pinpoint your optimal relaxed and balanced jaw position. A mold of your bite is then taken and sent to a certified lab for construction.

The Principles of Performance-Enhancing Sportsguards

Aligning the jaw position properly is rooted in the principles of Neuromuscular Dentistry. This approach suggests that achieving a “good” bite occurs when the muscles of the face, jaw, and neck are allowed to reach their most efficient state—namely, a relaxed state.